Our mission

Scholars college mission is to offer best possible education to our young generation. Towards the mission, UAP continues to develop a sustained culture of ascending to a top-tier of vibrant academic environment; maintain and foster well qualified faculty, provide adequate research support for cutting-edge research in-house and in collaboration national and international peers; update curriculam to keep up with advancing trend in science and technology, use state-of-the-art best practices in teaching-learning and modern facilities in laboratories and libraries; and provide other supports in aid to student becoming competent graduates with their potential fully realized and personality well-developed for joining the global forces in making the future of society in changing world.

Our vision

Scholars college holds steadfastly its passion to do better and better in fulfilling our young generation's needs and aspirations for a caring and quality education in casting their future career and become a desirable destination for an identity.

Transforming lives and communities through learning.

Providing lifelong education and training with skills.

Taking a leadership position in influencing education.

Taking a leadership position in influencing education.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to

change the world.

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence + character = is the goal of true education. Education is an enlightening experience.

Our education process


Skills Through Study


Academic Attainment


Practical Understanding


To Exchange Ideas

facilitating learning

Learning is any process that in living organisms leads to permanent capacity change and which is not solely due to biological maturation of ageing. Learning involves ongoing, active processes of inquiry, engagement and participation in the world around us

acquisition of knowledge

Knowledge represents your bond and your intrinsic relationship with all life. Yet Knowledge has a specific mission for you in this life—a mission which you are encouraged to discover, to accept, to integrate and to fulfill. In other words, Knowledge is not everything within you; Knowledge is your connection to everything.

teaching Subject

Teaching is the process of inclucating moral values, abilities, skills by an expereinced person to an inexperienced person in order to ensure positive change in behaviour usefull in developing onself and the society.

Group discussion

Discussions can play a valuable role in lecture courses, seminars, quiz sections, labs, studios and a variety of other settings. A well-planned discussion can encourage and stimulate student learning and add variety to our class. “Good” discussions can be a powerful tool for encouraging student learning.

We work hard to prepare every student for the whole life

With Better Successful Future

What our parents say's

Contact Us

Call us :

  • +8801796065696
  • +8801842065696

Locate us :

  • Bongobondhu Road
  • Sadar, Thakurgaon